Generative AI in Healthcare: Benefits and Risks

Generative AI Holds Enormous Promise for Health Care Deloitte US

The model then decodes the low-dimensional representation back into the original data. Essentially, the encoding and decoding processes allow the model to learn a compact representation of the data distribution, which it can then use to generate new outputs. While the companies are in the process of collecting measurement data, physicians in the pilot program have reported strong overall satisfaction.

Once gen AI matures, it could also converge with other emerging technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality or other forms of AI, to transform healthcare delivery. For example, a healthcare provider could license its likeness and voice to create a branded visual avatar with whom patients could interact. Or a physician could check, against the full corpus of a patient’s history, how their approach for that patient aligns (or deviates) from other similar patients who have experienced positive outcomes.


For instance, a model-based tool GENIO can enhance a developer’s productivity multifold compared to a manual coder. The tool helps citizen developers, or non-coders, develop applications specific to their requirements and business processes and reduces their dependency on the IT department. Generative AI offers better quality results through self-learning from all datasets.

generative ai healthcare

These technologies aid in providing valuable insights on the trends beyond conventional calculative analysis. AI is used in extraordinary ways to process low-resolution images and develop more precise, clearer, and detailed pictures. For example, Google published a blog post to let the world know they have created two models to turn low-resolution images into high-resolution images.

Microsoft designs clinical tools to enhance productivity and ease the burden on HCPs

It has the potential to transform the sector, but executives must understand how to use the technology in order to capitalize on its potential while avoiding the risks inherent in applying it to patient care. We analyzed numerous use cases across health segments, looking at both solutions already on the market and those likely to arrive soon. Our goal was to demystify generative AI and help leadership teams make sense of the options. There is certainly reason for caution when applying new technologies, especially for something as transformative as AI. However, there is also another ethical concern to consider and that is the opportunity cost of slowing AI adoption, which is significant for both healthcare organizations and consumers. New processes, insights and discoveries are continuously materializing through AI that directly impacts the lives of healthcare consumers.

Yakov Livshits

Three steps healthcare organizations can take to use generative AI … – Healthcare IT News

Three steps healthcare organizations can take to use generative AI ….

Posted: Wed, 23 Aug 2023 14:12:52 GMT [source]

For HCA that means one hospital – UCF Lake Nona – is currently piloting the handoff tool as a proof-of-concept. The AI ingests patient data from the past 12 hours, including lab results, medication, important events, and spits out a transfer summary, that also includes suggestions for what the oncoming nurse should be thinking about in the next 12 hours, says Schlosser. Google is expanding access of its large language models to its healthcare customers. Consumers are demanding more personalized and convenient services from their health insurance. At the same time, private payers face increasing competitive pressure and rising healthcare costs.

Corrado says Google is still deciding what the cutoff will be, but that it will be communicated to customers. “We don’t rely on these systems to know everything about the practice of medicine,” says Corrado. While many operations—such as managing relationships with healthcare systems—require a human touch, those processes can still be supplemented by gen-AI technology. Core administrative and corporate functions and member and provider interactions involve sifting through logs and data, which is a time-consuming, manual task. Gen AI can automatically and immediately summarize this data regardless of the volume, freeing up time for people to address more complex needs. The discriminator’s job is to evaluate the generated data and provide feedback to the generator to improve its output.

generative ai healthcare

It requires less data, is more adaptable to unfamiliar situations, and can interface better with clinical staff. These features make generative AI more broadly applicable and transferable to different health care tasks. Another opportunity HCA Healthcare has targeted for improvement through generative AI is patient handoffs between nurses. Typically, this important process is manual and time-consuming, and often provides varying levels of detail. Machine learning has been widely adopted in healthcare, with predictive AI algorithms being used for a variety of functions ranging from image-based diagnosis in radiology to genome interpretation. Generative AI – which uses algorithms (such as large language models (LLMs)) to create rather than simply analyse – has captivated the tech world, but brings with it both risk and opportunity.

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They rank improving clinical documentation, structuring and analyzing patient data, and optimizing workflows as their top three priorities (see Figure 1). While Covid-19 may no longer be dominating the global news cycle, healthcare providers and payers are still feeling its reverberations. More than half of US hospitals ended 2022 with a negative margin, marking the most difficult financial year since the start of the pandemic. Generative artificial genrative ai intelligence (AI) potentially holds enormous promise for health care and could usher in a new era of tools. But the technology is still evolving, the accuracy is not yet reliable, and few rules or regulatory guardrails exist. Despite the challenges to generative AI from technical capabilities to privacy and data concerns, Schlosser is optimistic that tools built on technology will become part of the standard toolkit for doctors.